Maragsâ is a typeface that owes its form to one of the accent marks used as a guide to the correct pronunciation of Filipino words—the pakupyâ accent—whose tapered tips heralded the sharp edges, hastily-flowing strokes, and abrupt cuts in the characters, similar to the manner words with the stress should be spoken.
Maragsâ is a typeface that owes its form to one of the accent marks used as a guide to the correct pronunciation of Filipino words—the pakupyâ accent—whose tapered tips heralded the sharp edges, hastily-flowing strokes, and abrupt cuts in the characters, similar to the manner words with the stress should be spoken.
malúmay malumì mabilís maragsâ
The term "maragsâ" refers to the way of pronouncing words in Philippine languages when there is a simultaneous occurrence of a stress (diin) and a glottal stop (impit) in the last syllable. It is represented by attaching a circumflex or "pakupyâ" mark on the final vowel of the word.
malúmay malumì mabilís maragsâ
The term "maragsâ" refers to the way of pronouncing words in Philippine languages when there is a simultaneous occurrence of a stress (diin) and a glottal stop (impit) in the last syllable. It is represented by attaching a circumflex or "pakupyâ" mark on the final vowel of the word.